Matrix development
The drawing up of degree programme matrices is performed as a multilevel process with six steps based on the experience of the departments; more information in Guideline 04 Studiengangsmatrix zur Weiterentwicklung der Studiengänge.
First phase:
Based on existing documents a preliminary draft of the Matrix is drawn up and presented in the Study Committee to the responsible dean of study affairs. Afterwards a working group is formed, which includes the dean of study affairs, the coordinator of the degree programmes and the Q-coordinator.
Second phase:
Columns A, B, C of the Matrix are drawn up by the members of the working group and later synchronized with the dean of study affairs.
The progress status is presented to the Study Committee.
Third phase:
Column D is drawn and voted in.
Fourth phase:
The result is being discussed in the Study Committee to draft a department-specific concept of evaluation on the basis of the columns A, B, C, D.
Fifth phase:
A priority list is created and the timeline for the monitoring in the current semester is decided.
Sixth phase:
The further development with the respective follow-ups of the degree programme is implemtented.
Guideline 02 Leitbild und Umsetzung refers specifically to the aims of the matrix.