System accreditation at FAU
In the context of programme accreditations, quality audits and accompanying quality management-workshops. External experts groups have regularly certified the degree programmes of FAU since 2008 .

Each of the five faculties was able to gather experience regarding the requirements of external quality assurance procedures as all faculties with their wide range of study programmes successfully completed programme accreditations by the end of 2012.
The Biology, Chemistry and Molecular Science Bachelor degree programmes as well as the Master degree programmes for Chemistry, Molecular Science and Zell- und Molekularbiologie have been accredited during a cluster-accreditation at the Faculty of Sciences.
Following a quality audit by the accreditation agency evalag (2009-2011) a subsystem accreditation of the School of Business and Economics was successfully concluded in June 2013 without additional requirements.
During the process of the subsystem accreditation the FAU established a univiersity-wide internal quality management system for the area of study and teaching. This system was further developed through two quality management workshops under the direction of two external advisors (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kohler, Universität Greifswald and Harald Scheuthle, evalag) in the summer semester of 2013.