
Together with colleagues from Universität Mainz and Universität Kassel, FAU researchers have built the world’s smallest heat engine: the tiny engine consists of just one atom and is able to effectively transform heat into power. The British magazine Physics World included the researchers’ invention ...

When migrants or refugees are the topic of political discussion or news articles, the words ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslims’ usually appear too – migrants from certain parts of the world are often perceived on the basis of religion. Prof. Dr. Georg Glasze from FAU believes that this is a problem, because it me...

FAU chemists are developing an artificial intelligence application which can predict which molecule structures will produce or suppress specific odours. The Volkswagen Foundation has granted the project 96,100 euros of funding for the next 18 months as part of its ‘Experiment!’ programme. It’s so...

A researcher in Germany is studying why fish sometimes smells ‘fishy’ and why customers often smell other aromas when they buy fish. Mohamed Mahmoud, doctoral candidate at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy at FAU, identified various off-flavours of fish raised in aquaculture as part of his do...

Nanotechnology is a 21st century technology. It allows products of just a few nanometres in size to be produced in any shape desired: for microprocessors, for electronic circuits in computers and in telecommunications, and for applications in medicine and biotechnology, to name just a few of the are...

A combination of experiments and theory has enabled physicists to understand the diffusion of individual atoms in periodic systems for the first time. The interactions of individual atoms with light at ultralow temperatures close to absolute zero provide new insight into ergodicity, the fundamental ...

Researchers at FAU working together with colleagues from Freie Universität Berlin have discovered a new molecule: the iron compound in the rare oxidation state +4 belongs to the ferrocenes and is exceptionally difficult to synthesise. Metallocenes are also known as sandwich compounds. They consis...